Theres alot of amazing fishing lures and items out there that you dont see in the stores. One lure company that has impressed me is Vagabond Lures from Japan. Unbelievable craftmanship and attention to detail are what set these lures apart. These lures are sold mainly in Japan, so finding them here is quite difficult. There are some online shops from Japan like PLAT ( that sell them, but unfortunately, most of the time theyre sold out, as these are justifiably lures that a collector would want. And, I'd have to say, would catch fish! Heres a few pictures of their lures that i've gathered for your viewing pleasure. Dont forget to cover your keyboard, as you'll drool all over it.
The first lures here are Jointed Arrowanas. They are a topwater slider style lure.

Just amazing detail in the paintwork and finish!
This next lure is a Diamond Tail. This is another topwater style lure mixed with a swimbait, but it also dives a bit due to the protruding lip. I can't tell you for sure, as I don't have one, but it sure looks like it would catch fish.
I love this color scheme, Vagabond calls it Chimidoro. look at that blood trail!
This next lure is called a Dovelman. it again is a topwater lure, I would consider this a wakebait as it has a lip, and a propeller on the tail, so it would cause quite a commotion just underneath the surface.

Again, the Chimidoro color pattern with the blood!
This is next one is called a Baby Namazu Crawler. Never used it, so i can only guess that it makes quite a different sound and action than your typical topwater lure. Looks at those antennae!

This one is called a Donco. It looks like a typical popper, except that it has a bowed back, so I'd think it would have a bit of walk the dog action too.

These are killer looking baits called Simson J's. no clue as to how they come up with these names, but these are some beautiful lures.
This looks exactly like a redbreast sunfish that we have around here. I mean exactly. Again, these lures are amazingly beautiful.
Next post will be of some amazing lures made closer to home.
wow.. you're right man. Those lures look amazing.
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