Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Free Stuff

Well, people who know me know I've been stuck at home for 3 weeks due to having foot surgery. 3 weeks off of work might sound like somethng great, but when you are forced to stay at home due to being unable to drive, and can only hobble/hop from one room to the next, it gets old really fast.
Anyways, I'm one of the staff at the great fishing site/forum called Fishin Fanatics, and the site ownwer picked a great time to ask me to come up with a contest to help inspire some more activity on the board, and to generate some new members, and so, with my long layoff at hand, I did. I have to say I came up with an ingenious way to inspire more posting, and make it very fair in picking a winner. To qualify, all you have to do is start one fishing related thread a week, and make 5 posts. Too easy. The prizes are drawn each week, and I have to say the sponsors that I've approached have all come through in mega fashion with some amazingly cool prize packs. So, if you're just happening on to this blog for the first time, or have checked it out before, I suggest checking out Fishin Fanatics, and joining the contest, as not only can you win cool stuff, but the general membership of Fishin Fanatics is ultra cool as well, and a good group of people to learn, and share fishing related stuff. The link to Fishin Fanatics is on the right in the links section, and heres the direct link to the contest so you can see what I mean by ultra cool, ultra easy, and fun: